Your Firefighters Local 1014 Health Insurance Trustees are pleased to announce the addition of a new benefit to the Health Plan – a preventive medicine Body Scan. This program is designed to provide you with early detection capabilities for many diseases that firefighters are at higher risk for than the general public – heart disease, lung cancer, structural degradation of the spine, and many others.
Effective September 1, 2013, members of the plan who are at least 25 years of age will be covered at 100% if they utilize a Firefighters Local 1014 Health and Welfare Plan trust-approved provider. Coverage is also extended to dependents on the plan age 25 or over, including adult children.
Body Scan International is honored to be a 1014 Health Insurance Trust-approved provider. The BSI Body Scan program includes an interactive video tour of your body and is a comprehensive and confidential examination. A BSI physician will guide you through the process and provide you with immediate results.